2 PENTATONICS - JERRY BERGONZI (Book w/​CD) This is a method book designed for all instruments. I’ve heard some rave reviews on Walt Weiskopf s book how do you spell that name? It should be assumed, from this point on, that Die means: Serious Resources for Serious Players View my complete profile.Jerry Bergonzi - Vol. Hearing these different combinations of triads against different chords is a must for expanding your tonal pallet. The sixth hexatonic is two minor triads a whole step apart.

The book starts out with a chapter dealing with a Major triad over a Major triad a whole step apart. Hans-jorg Rudiger for suggestions and putting it all together. It fits well over diminished chords or dominant chords that are being played with diminished scales. If you invert these triads and voice the C triad on top of the B triad, minor 9th intervals are sounded. George Russell’s ‘Lydian Chromatic Concept’. Try it, you might like it! Jerry Bergonzi Vol 7 – Hexatonics As with the other books in this series, there is a play along CD to tryout all of these diflerent sounds.įor example, the conventional chords used in the Jazz idiom are oftentimes associated with parent chord-scales of seven or more tones melodic minor, major, minor, harmonic minor, and so on. G-7 7 Hexatonics in parenthesis create a higher degree of tension. Try integrating this approach with other melodic material. G-7 7 F-7 BP” Of course, improvising and using only one particular hexatonic sounds very onedimensional. This hexatonic can be played over many different bsrgonzi.ĪUTHENTICATION OF HADITH REDEFINING THE CRITERIA PDF Jerry Bergonzi Vol 3 Jazz Line Some hexatonics are consonant sounding against a chord type. Have each hexatonic be 1 bar,2 bars or 4 bars each.

In most ofthe following examples and etudes accidentals only apply to the note they are attached to. As already stated, a hexatonic scale can be derived by combining the notes of two triads that do not share any common tones.

Have each hexatonic be I bar, 2 bars or 4 bars each. Programma del triennio di di The “stand alone” sound is oftentimes enough to make a strong, effective melodic statement regardless of how it is or isn’t relating to the harmony over which it is being used. F IC Try playing 8 notes of any hexatonic melody using the notes of the grid as starting notes. Triads are incredibly strong sounding melodic devices. Jerry Bergonzi: INSIDE IMPROVISATION SERIES VOLUME 7: HEXATONICS, Paperback Book & CD Package, All Instruments, and thousands more titles. I had looked through some of his previous. I ordered Jerry Bergonzi’s Hexatonics book, the seventh volume in his Inside Improvisation series. One way to create a hexatonic scale is to combine the notes of two. 1-+ 1 ~:haptr,ztroduction HEXATONICS llexatonic scales are six note scales.