The soundtrack is also amazing, nearly every track in the game is memorable in one way or another, if you told me a level, chances are I could probably hum out it's song, though that may be due to how many times I've played this beauty. In terms of presentation, Spyro definitely doesn't disappoint, easily one of the best looking games on the PS1, and the series' use of colour and graphics in general only get better as the series progresses, with one or two minor hiccups here and there. I also find it kind of funny how the whole world seems to be set in medieval times, yet there's news crew with microphones and cameras, that always made me chuckle. Not the best story out there, but hey it certainly doesn't overcomplicate things or make you shake your head in confusion like a certain Australian tiger's game does. Spyro, avoiding Gnasty's attack for being so small must free all the dragons across six worlds, collect all the stolen treasure that Gnasty turned into minions, find all the the stolen baby dragon eggs and defeat the tyrant Gnorc himself. The story of Spyro 1 goes like this, some elder dragons where talking bad about the evil Gnasty Gnorc on a television broadcast one day and in a rage, Gnasty froze all the dragons into crystal statues that can only be freed with someone's touch. That origin, Spyro the Dragon for the PlayStation 1.

Though the franchise is most likely more well known than it ever has been with the Skylanders spin-off series, I think it's important that everyone knows where Activision's current cash-cow. Ah yes, Spyro the Dragon, this game and it's franchise always bring a tear of joy to my eye with their creative level designs, colourful presentation, amazing gameplay and great humour to wrap everything up in Insomniac's metaphorical bow of approval. Fitting that the first game I review properly is the one of the first games I ever played.